Epicurean Delights

ORIGINAL OYSTER HOUSE, Celebrating 40 Years, Gulf Shores, Mobile Causeway

It’s been my experience with so many Southerners possessing a discerning palate, that your average restaurant will be just a flash in the pan, or part of a conversation that goes something like, “What was that place before it became whatchamacallit?”
People & Business Profiles

My Forever Home

I thought about telling our three adult (and married) daughters, “If your dad ever retires, we’ve decided to move to Alaska and become homesteaders” just to see their reaction. Would they just roll their eyes, and talk among themselves about how their parents had lost their minds?
Water Side of Scenic 98

Coastal Conservation Association- Alabama, Blakeley Ellis, Executive Director

I’m beginning to better understand the nuances and relationships of the many organizations involved with conservation efforts in the Scenic 98 Coastal area. One that has been on my radar for a while is Coastal Conservation Association-Alabama. I met to get up to speed with its Executive Director, Blakeley Ellis at The Sloop in Gulf Shores.
People & Business Profiles

Gerhard Mathangani, Multimedia Journalist, WKRG

With the high school and college football seasons in full swing, I could feel the excitement in Gerhard Mathangani’, the latest member of the sports teams at WKRG. He arrived in March 2023, just in time to get a good look at which Region 1 area high school teams have the potential to go the distance in this year’s state football competition.
Dive Bars & Music

The Sloop Galley and Spirits, Gulf Shores

“Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded,” Yogi Berra Long-time professional baseball player and manager, Yogi Berra, famous for his jumbled sayings that always made a point seemed to say it best. “It ain’t over til it’s over,” and “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” are some of my favorites.
People & Business Profiles

Fairhope Tea Plantation: The Oldest In the U.S.!

There is an old adage that goes something like “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” For Donnie and Lottie Barrett, this saying fits them to a “tea” (pun intended).