People & Business Profiles


People & Business Profiles

Admiral Shellfish Company, Oyster Farming in Baldwin County, Ft. Morgan

I find oyster farming fascinating. No two farms are the same, and the flavors differ depending on several location-related factors. One size does not fit all. If you are an oyster lover, you probably have your favorites based on where they came from. 
People & Business Profiles

The Plant Fairie, Fairhope

I know a woman who rides a Softail Harley, races a 22’ Lindenberg, is the Alabama Master of Shorinji Kempo with a 4th-degree black belt and is also a fairy, a plant fairy. She is a plant fairy because she can magically grow anything: ageratum, begonia, coreopsis, and that's only the first of the plant alphabet. Terri Loftin is her name, and is one of the hardest-working, toughest girls I know. I have the privilege of seeing her in action at her nursery in Fairhope, where I sometimes work for her. 
People & Business Profiles

Saunders Yachtworks, John Fitzgerald, Gulf Shores

In March, Linda and I attended the annual Saunders Yachtworks Boatyard Bash party held at their facility in Gulf Shores. They host the party annually in conjunction with The Wharf Boat & Yacht Show each year. I’ve always been intrigued by Saunders Yachtworks.
People & Business Profiles

Andy MacDonald Welcomes Pickers to Iconic Guitar Shop in Stapleton

Andy MacDonald has a particular vision for his guitar shop in Stapleton, the iconic Picker’s Paradise. It should have a warm and welcoming vibe, for sure, and a strong focus on vintage instruments and traditional music.
People & Business Profiles

Refine Rehab, Tyler Vaughn, Mobile, Daphne

In modern medicine, getting back on your feet after orthopedic surgery means spending time before and after with a qualified physical therapist. They are crucial to recovery. The good news is we’ve come a long way with less invasive surgeries and trained specialists who work diligently to get you back to doing what you love.
People & Business Profiles

Mossy Oak, The Colonel and the Fox, Neill and Daniel Haas

This is turkey season- a rite of Spring that gets the blood flowing and adrenaline pumping like no other hunting season. For turkey hunters everywhere, the story of how Mossy Oak camouflage came into being and revolutionized the sport is an important and historic milestone. 
People & Business Profiles

The Real Laundry Man: Sean Chappell, Southern Sun Laundry

You may recall that we did a piece on David Cooper’s book, The Laundry Man for the holiday gift-buying season. When I got a call from my friend, Joe Brown at Portside Advertising about a story on a commercial laundry, I thought there must be something in his water. “Seriously, it’s an incredible story. You should meet Sean Chappell and check it out,” he told me.
People & Business Profiles

Beach Village Resort, Paul Stewart and Steve Hicks, Orange Beach

With Spring Break right around the corner, the excitement is building in the hospitality industry throughout the Scenic 98 Coastal area. I sat down with Steve Hicks and Paul Stewart, two longtime friends and part-time business partners, who will soon be cutting the ribbon on Beach Village Resort, a 71-unit Orange Beach resort.