For many people, arriving at Jordan Beech Farms and Venue is something like love at first sight. Donna Beech, one of the owners, understands that because she experienced it herself.
A lot is happening in Mobile these days and the buzz is getting louder every day. A few of the projects underway include a new airline terminal being built at Brookley Field, and a well-deserved and much-needed Hall of Fame Walk on Water Street downtown, honoring the five Major League Baseball Hall of Famers, and one National Football League HOFer, Robert Brazille. The statues of Satchel Paige, Henry Aaron, Willie McCovey, Ozzie Smith, and Billy Williams display the most HOFers from any city in the United States. Pretty amazing!
You’ve heard the term, “One size doesn’t fit all.” That phrase can apply to lots of things, but especially apparel. In this story, you could also use the phrase “Apples to Oranges.” These sayings let us know that two things are not alike. There is a distinctive difference and at FINCO, it applies to sportsfishing apparel.
Jim Trainer seems to have hit his stride in terms of finding his creative side. His business, called Alabama Iron Works handles some big, rugged jobs and others that require a much more artistic sensibility.
If you’ve been reading our Scenic 98 Coastal newsletter for the last two years, you’ve noticed we have featured a “behind the scenes” look into WKRG News 5's on-air talent and their community service endeavors. This relationship has been fun, enlightening, and positive in every aspect.
Remember the little ditty, “Every party needs a pooper, and that’s why we invited you?” Here is a sure-fire way not to be that person! Lights by the Bay is the side gig of Ashley O’Brien, and she can help you dress up any celebration with marquee light displays and digital photo booths.
We recently attended an event at 8 Reale in Orange Beach, where Patron revealed a new tequila. As part of the festivities, the Patron logo was perfectly sculpted in sand. As guests arrived, the sculptor, Janel Hawkins, was adding the finishing touches to the work of art and it got my attention.
Peter Albrecht has always been one of my favorite people. Whether he is reporting the news for WKRG News 5 or working to honor the legacy of athletes by serving on the board of the Mobile Sports Hall of Fame, he is professional and engaging. Recently, I was fortunate to sit down with Peter for “the rest of the story.”