Epicurean Delights

Avenue Pub, Orange Beach

What brings Jessica Alford, General Manager of the Avenue Pub from Cincinnati, Ohio to Orange Beach, Alabama? Two things. First, she says that in 2015, both she and her mom had a bit of a mid-life crisis, and second, it coincided with the cold weather in Cincinnati. They moved to Pensacola and fell in love with the area.
People & Business Profiles

Driving Daisies, Michelle Braly

I recently met Michelle with her mother-in-law and son at Page & Palette during the Fairhope Witch’s Ride. Her mother, who doesn't drive, was thrilled to be out and about. “I feel like this is my calling, my ministry,” says Michelle. One day, she was on the way to the beach with a friend when her friend suggested that she take seniors on day trips. Michelle liked the idea and in September of this year, she started Driving Daisies.
Epicurean Delights

Tamara's Downtown, Fairhope

Tamara Wintzell has been a staple in the Fairhope restaurant industry for over four decades. Think about that. From experience, I can tell you that 40 years ago, Fairhope’s restaurant offerings were sparse, to say the least. And yet Tamara has started, sold, and started again more establishments than you can shake a stick at. She’s an institution unto herself!
Dive Bars & Music

Tiki Bar, Sportsman’s Marina, Orange Beach

Exploring all the wonderful beach venues around Orange Beach with an almost 4-year-old granddaughter is a treat! Penny was visiting from Athens, Georgia. In mid-October, we set off to explore the Pleasure Island Tiki Bar next to Sportsman Marina on Canal Road and found musical treasure!
Musings From The Cove

Fairhope Famous, a Tribute to Moose

Someone once said, “Once you have had a wonderful dog, life without them is a life diminished.”
Epicurean Delights

Rae's Kitchen

You may not know that in 1955, the Dallas Cowboys selected L. G. Dupre in the third round of the NFL Draft. He was a 5' 11” 190 lb. running back who played opposite Alabama’s famous linebacker Lee Roy Jordan. L. G. and Lee Roy became fast friends during their playing days and their “Cowboy wives,” Biddie and Sissy did too.