Epicurean Delights

Jackson's Steakhouse, 2024 Spring Preview Menu Event, Pensacola

Jackson’s Steakhouse, a Pensacola fine-dining establishment, hosts a media-tasting event twice a year. Founding Executive Chef Irv Miller introduces his seasonal menu each spring and fall. Scenic 98 Coastal was fortunate to be included. 
Events That Inspire

Little Black Dress Runway Show, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Mobile

In July of 2018, Rachel Hadley was 22 weeks pregnant when her organs started shutting down. On July 4, doctors performed an emergency C-Section and delivered twins Scarlett and Jesse at USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital. The babies went immediately to the NICU, where they would stay for more than six months.
People & Business Profiles

Refine Rehab, Tyler Vaughn, Mobile, Daphne

In modern medicine, getting back on your feet after orthopedic surgery means spending time before and after with a qualified physical therapist. They are crucial to recovery. The good news is we’ve come a long way with less invasive surgeries and trained specialists who work diligently to get you back to doing what you love.
Community Endeavors

Fostering Entrepreneurs, The Innovation Portal, Todd Greer, Mobile

Scenic 98 Coastal enjoys supporting small businesses and telling their stories. Small business owners bring unique aspects to the area and enrich the community with positive direction. Every small business has to start somewhere; often, a good idea comes to fruition in an incubator program.
Epicurean Delights

Las Catrinas de Rosy, Mexican Restaurant, Silverhill

After having lunch at Catrinas de Rosy in Silverhill, I had to do some serious googling. It is an authentic Mexican restaurant, and the menu had items I needed to familiarize myself with. So I started with the place’s name. Catrinas are clay skeletons, also known as Day of the Dead figures and Rosy is Rosy Gallardo, who opened the first taqueria in Baldwin County in 2020. She has three locations now, Mobile, Daphne, and Silverhill.
People & Business Profiles

Mossy Oak, The Colonel and the Fox, Neill and Daniel Haas

This is turkey season- a rite of Spring that gets the blood flowing and adrenaline pumping like no other hunting season. For turkey hunters everywhere, the story of how Mossy Oak camouflage came into being and revolutionized the sport is an important and historic milestone.