Water Side of Scenic 98

Whistlin' Waters Kayak Fishing Charters

Scott Kennedy was born around the waters of Mobile Bay and with three generations to learn from, has been an avid saltwater angler since the age of five. As the founder of Whistlin’ Waters Kayak Fishing and Outdoors, based out of Orange Beach, Scott has earned a reputation as a seasoned angler and expert kayak fishing guide.
Water Side of Scenic 98

Fairhope Fish House

Almost three years ago, Dustin Bedgood and Jake Pose opened Fairhope Fish House. This is the freshest fish you can get because it was caught that day.
Artsy Side Of Life

The Island Side of Scenic 98 Coastal

Coralie and her husband, John, have had a second home on Dauphin Island for more than twenty-five years. Coralie has a wide variety of interests including growing award-winning camellias and showing blooms in The Camellia Club of Mobile’s annual camellia show each January.
People & Business Profiles

The Bald Eagle by Jack E. Davis

Jack E. Davis, Pulitzer-prize winning author of The Gulf, introduced his new work The Bald Eagle at Page & Palette in Fairhope in early March. Jack is an environmental writer and the Rothman Family Chair in the Humanities at the University of Florida. He spends his time in Gainesville, Florida, and New Hampshire. 
Sports & Fitness

Learning to Fly… On the Golf Course

It was a good Friday this past Good Friday. There was a positive feeling in the air. People had an aura about them. You could tell they were looking forward to a special weekend. The excitement of being with friends and family was everywhere I went, well into the evening.
People & Business Profiles

Talent Along Scenic 98: Can You Guess Who This Man Made Guitars For?

We walk into the Fritz Brothers Guitar shop and it's unlike anything I've seen before. There are 100s of partially made, partially created and some outstandingly finished guitars, well, everywhere.I first ask Roger, founder and owner and unique curator of sound (the guitars he make actually have a science of sound to them, the best sound a guitar can make!), "How do you keep it all straight?"He smiles and replies, "I don't."