The Eastern Shore Art Center in Fairhope has served as the cornerstone of the art community for as many years as I can remember. Since 2017, Bryant Whelan has been its Executive Director. Bryant has announced her retirement at the end of May, and a search for her replacement has recently been completed. Hers are indeed big shoes to fill!
Not so fast! There has been a recent Elvis sighting in the Scenic 98 Coastal area, and we know where you can find him. Meet Jason Braly, originally from Athens, Alabama. He has an interesting story and career that eventually led him to Fairhope, where he is an artist, an actor, a voice-over specialist, and on occasion, an Elvis Impersonator.
No doubt, this job has its benefits. Through a mutual friend, I was introduced to Maria V. Goldberg over lunch at the Fish House Restaurant located on Pensacola’s waterfront. Maria is the Director of Marketing, Public Relations, and Events for Great Southern Restaurants which owns the Fish House.
Every now and then, you get to meet a friend of a friend that turns out to be an awesome experience. Someone whose life and talents are so energizing; you find yourself giddy that you were so fortunate to make their acquaintance. Diana Rell Dean is one of those people.
MJ Ferraro and her husband, Chef Dominic, moved to the Scenic 98 Coastal area from Rhode Island about six months ago. I had the pleasure of attending their new business venture “Pasta and Paint” which was held at the fabulous Jubilee Suites on Mobile Bay. Pasta and Paint seem to be an unlikely pair, but the couple's intention is to create a feast for the eyes and the palate.
Frances McGowin, a regular contributor to Scenic 98 Coastal (Adventures in Retirement), is also an artist. Hard to imagine she has time for painting since she is out exploring all her post-retirement options. However, “creating art is a daily necessity for living in my post-retirement world.” she says.
After hearing of a local performing arts studio celebrating its 10th Anniversary, I called to learn more. When I arrived at our scheduled sit-down, I was immediately impressed. Brandon Marcus is an energetic, multi-talented performer that exudes enthusiasm for what he does and the educational performing arts studio he opened ten years ago, The Studio.
Just in time for Mardi Gras, Candice Marley Conner and Julie Allen have teamed up to write and illustrate Mobile’s first Mardi Gras ABCs children’s book, M is for Moon Pie. This is Candice’s third children’s picture book, and the third book for Julie, a professional illustrator.