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Gina Lanaux

Epicurean Delights

Jesse's Restaurant and The Cold Hole Bar, Magnolia Springs, Alabama

For those of us who grew up in this area, Magnolia Springs was the place we would stop on the way home from Gulf Shores to jump in the natural springs that were so cold we would turn blue and shiver the rest of the way home. In the present day, boaters can idle into the Magnolia River and find a different version of the Springs in a small cove called “The Cold Hole.“ The water is deep and very cold and will lower your body temperature on a hot summer day.
Artsy Side Of Life

Fairhope Center for Writing Arts

Pickleball is for all ages, all levels of athleticism, and every socioeconomic group. It has been described as a combination of ping pong and tennis. Scenic 98 communities have more than 50 pickleball courts that we know of plus more in process, all built within the last five years. In fact, it is difficult to even find pickleball players that have actually played the sport for more than five years.
Epicurean Delights

Kitchen on Main, Daphne

Several of my foodie friends have recommended a small, neighborhood establishment called KItchen on Main in Daphne; the Main being Main Street across from Manci’s Antique Club. It was my daughter’s birthday, so we made reservations and had a wonderful dining experience!
Artsy Side Of Life

Fairhope Film Festival Review

Last weekend, The 10th annual Fairhope Film Festival was held in Fairhope. I worked as a volunteer for the event for the first 4 or 5 years and still feel connected to it. Walking to venues throughout the town with stops for drinks and meals in between showings is my version of a perfect weekend! 4 Days, 40 films, is the tagline of the festival, so it's often hard to choose what to screen. I opted for six movies, four that I loved and two not so much…. I also attended the Red Carpet Party Saturday night which is always fun.