Epicurean Delights

Wildflowers and Fresh Food

Kristin Alpine is the kind of person that exudes warmth, friendliness, and a real desire to want to help others. We first met a few years back when she was working in home health.
Epicurean Delights

Brooklyn Kyzar, Whipped Up

Today’s celebrity pastry chef owns her bakery called Whipped Up. The fact that its owner just turned 16 and has yet to get her driver’s license is just part of the story.
People & Business Profiles

Jubilee Suites Luxury Bed & Breakfast

When Dana and Jim Maloney learned that their middle son and his wife were about to deliver their first granddaughter into the world in 2017, they decided to move from North Carolina to the Eastern Shore of Alabama to be a part of her life.
People & Business Profiles

Real Life Organized

I met Robin Shilling a couple of months ago at Warehouse Bakery & Donuts. We were both having lunch at one of the community tables.
Community Endeavors

Satori Foundation, Pensacola Yacht Club

Tom and Carol Patterson are passionate sailors. In fact, Tom, and his son, Peter began a voyage to sail around the world in 2001.
Day Trippin'

Perdido River Cruise with Andrew Saunders

We have named Andrew Saunders Poet Laurette for Scenic 98 Coastal. Thanks, Andrew for your wonderful contributions to our newsletter, We look forward to many more.