By Eleanor Ford

Mah Jongg is taking South Alabama by storm! But here’s the thing—it’s not exactly a new craze. This tile game, which can be traced back to China in the early 19th century, has a rich history. In fact, Confucius is credited with inventing it. His aim? To teach students discipline, strategy, and calculation.

Fast-forward to post-WWII, when  Jewish women began playing Mah Jongg as a way to socialize and bond with friends. In 1937, a group of Mah Jongg enthusiasts in New York formed the National Mah Jongg League to standardize the rules and hands. Every year, the League publishes a new card with updated hands, available for purchase starting April 1st. Pro tip: Only order the card directly from the National Mah Jongg League’s website. Beware of other sites—they’re often selling counterfeit or outdated cards. Order in March, and you’ll have your new card by April 1. The League also answers any questions you might have about the rules.

If you’re just getting started, A Beginner's Guide to American Mah Jongg: How to Play the Game & Win is a fantastic resource. This book walks you through everything you need to know, from the basics to strategies for winning. It’s a great way to familiarize yourself with the game’s rules and get on the path to becoming a skilled player.

While there are many variations of Mah Jongg, the American version is the one played on cruises, at community centers, and in private homes everywhere. It’s the easiest to learn and the most widely played, so you can’t go wrong starting here.

As a child, I remember the Jewish ladies in my neighborhood gathering to play weekly. If you ventured into a host’s home during their three-hour game, you had to whisper! From the living room, you’d hear the click-clack of the tiles as they called out, “One bam bird, 2 crack, red dragon!” They always had lovely snacks and ashtrays on every table. Typically, four players gather around one table, but the game can easily be adapted for two or three. You can find rules for this version on YouTube or online.

If you’re in the market for a set, Amazon offers beautiful Mah Jongg sets starting at $75. But if you’re looking to splurge, check out “Where the Wind Blows” or “Oh My Mah Jongg!” for fashion-forward sets. The accessories are just as fun to collect, and they’re widely available in local gift shops and online. The possibilities are endless.

Teachers are easy to find too, but I highly recommend taking lessons from someone who plays by the National Mah Jongg rules. So, gather your friends, find a group, and learn to play! It becomes second nature once you’ve memorized the rules.

The photo, taken in the 1960s, shows a group of Mah Jongg players in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The lady on the far right is Dot London, the mother of my childhood best friend. It’s a beautiful snapshot of an era when Mah Jongg was a beloved social tradition—one that continues to bring people together today.

Mar 19, 2025
Artsy Side Of Life

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