People & Business Profiles


People & Business Profiles

Wildflowers on Church Street

Stephanie Easterling is the owner of Wildflowers Floral Design in Fairhope. It’s a bustling place full of people, flowers, and merchandise for the home. Twenty-two years ago, Stephanie came to Fairhope for a Mardi Gras weekend and was hooked. Stephanie says she was inspired by the flower beds in Fairhope. “The town was absolutely beautiful, like a Norman Rockwell painting.”
People & Business Profiles

The Past IS the Future

As we hung up the phone, Taylor Atchison was walking into a Mobile Planning Commission meeting where he serves as one of its commissioners. At stake is the future of the Mobile Civic Center. Taylor was invited to be on this commission by Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson who based his choice on Taylor’s experience in redeveloping several successful projects in Mobile’s historic areas.
People & Business Profiles

If it Swims...

Field trippin’ along Scenic 98 is one of my favorite things to do. I like seeing what crops are ready to harvest, cows in beautiful pastures, and crossing bridges to check on rivers and bays along the way. Linda and I will run down to Bon Secour whenever we get a chance and stop by Billy’s Seafood. Situated at the end of the road on the west side of Bon Secour River, past Tin Top Restaurant, Billy’s is an authentic boat-to-market place.
People & Business Profiles

Uncle Paul's Cookies

When I was a boy, my grandmother, who was a phenomenal “country-cooking-at-its-finest cook” came to visit from North Carolina, she would bring me a large tin of homemade Toll House cookies. She brought more than one tin for the rest of the family, but this one was mine, and I carried them around with me until the last one was gone. My love for chocolate chip cookies knows no bounds.
People & Business Profiles

Charles Morgan, Restaurateur

In 1966, my brother did his senior architectural thesis on the redevelopment of Dauphin Street in Mobile. Fast forward fifty years and the transformation is almost complete. We caught up with Charles Morgan, owner of Chuck’s Fish, Five Mobile, and El Papi Mexican on Dauphin Street to get his thoughts on Mobile’s future. First, a little bit about Charles.
People & Business Profiles

Oyster Bay Boutique Hotel

We recently learned about a new 8-room hotel in the historic district of downtown Pensacola, Oyster Bay Boutique Hotel. On a recent visit to Pensacola, we decided to drop by, and we are glad we did! We met Jessica Berry, who gave us a tour of the property located at 400 Bayfront Parkway. At first sight, it feels like a place to come to relax and enjoy.
People & Business Profiles

Jubilee Suites Luxury Bed & Breakfast

When Dana and Jim Maloney learned that their middle son and his wife were about to deliver their first granddaughter into the world in 2017, they decided to move from North Carolina to the Eastern Shore of Alabama to be a part of her life.
People & Business Profiles

Real Life Organized

I met Robin Shilling a couple of months ago at Warehouse Bakery & Donuts. We were both having lunch at one of the community tables.