By Tallulah Marie Sheepshead
Reading the obituaries every day is something I do. In the old days they would print, ‘she died of natural causes’ meaning, she got old and up and died. Not anymore, they say nothing about the cause of death. The best I can do to figure out what happened is to read between the lines of the suggested ‘in lieu of’ donation.
Getting old isn’t so bad after all is said and done. But when you can’t go out and roll around in the snow, it is simply terrible! Mardi Gras is here and I’m thinking like a child, so take that Father Time!

Folly and Death will soon fight through the streets, dragons will rage, and my favorite comic cowboys will certainly amuse. I love the vibrant festive colors with the sounds of fiery torches and smells of mules pulling floats; oh my I am ready!

Then comes that amazing Excelsior Band full of horns, drums, and pizzazz!

One reason I like the viewing stands is that you are more likely to hear them actually playing music, but the drums are good enough for me. If I get invited to a parade, you can bet I’ll be there screaming for a moon pie and beads!
I, of course, remember when they threw Cracker Jacks. My holiday candy usually ran out just in time for Mardi Gras, and that was my favorite to stock up on! I got hit in the head plenty and lived through it, but I do understand the dangers as I might not enjoy being banged upside my head now! However, if I die by Cracker Jack, I expect to get buried next to Joe Cain at the graveyard and hope my obituary says I died of ‘unnatural causes’!

I still love downtown Mobile. I know it has lost so much over the years, but is working its way back. Back in the day, I would love an excuse to visit the Merchants Bank building to do a little business. I felt prosperous when I walked into that bank! I remember hearing my Uncle Bob (not actually my uncle, but I called him that) talk about how they opened that beautiful Art Deco building right when the stock market crashed in October 1929. Funny the things I remember at my age. I hear now they have made wonderful apartments out of that beautiful building. I’d love to see what they look like and who knows, maybe I’ll move on in!
Hope to see you at a parade!